Recipe: Stir-fry Arugula, nutty peppery goodness

3 Oct

Who said you shouldn’t cook arugula? My philosophy in cooking is the same as my fashion life.

***If you like it.. wear it again and again…in many different ways. In ways others might not approve. Wear it. Until you get sick of it. Break all the rules.. Because you want to! Most importantly, it’s because you like it! So, who cares!*** I love arugula! So I am going to cook it the way I want to.

Arugula is known for its nutty + peppery taste. Imagine it stir fried with minimal ingredients! And.. With a hot bowl of rice. Delicious!

1 bag of pre washed arugula
Dash of salt
Sprinkle of black pepper
1/4 sliced garlic (use fresh!!!)
2 tbs of oil (I tend to use OO a lot)

In a medium-hot pan, put in your garlic. Don’t let it burn! Wait a couple of seconds so that the garlic is defused into the oil. Put the entire batch of arugula in. It will sizzle due to the water contents. Wait 5 seconds and move the greens around in the pan. Wait 3 seconds more, turn off the heat and let it settle. Please do not over cook your greens! You’ll lose all its nutrients. At the end, add salt and pepper.

You’ll notice that your arugula probably welted down to a tiny bowl. But, that’s okay! Just make more!

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